I don't know who, what, where, or why, but somewhere along my almost 7-year journey into this writing gig, I received the distinction of uber-productive writer.
Cue maniacal laughter.
Daily, I invite authors to write with me. I post a daily writing post on my Facebook page and cheer authors on as they write. It's my thing. People look for those posts and enjoy "playing along".
I'm a reluctant early riser. Lupus, an aging bladder, a brain that never relaxes are to blame. I have the most energy right after I wake up. IF I work out, I can count on my energy level remaining steady throughout the day. When I don't work out, I move slower than the slowest sloth. I spend most of my fighting to keep my head upright. So, when people applaud my productivity and discipline, I always look behind me because surely they're not talking to me.
I'm lazy and mostly unmotivated.
You're probably wondering why I'm writing this blog post. I mean, I just admitted I'm not the most disciplined person. What do I have to offer the writers of the world?
Well, let me explain my imperfect formula for writing fairly consistently.
Are you ready?
The answer is I have to fall in love with the story, a character, or the best-case scenario, both. If I haven't exercised AND fallen in love with some part of the story/characters, no workie for me. Not in any real way, anyway.
I need to give my unconscious time to come up with a story/character I like.
Sure, sure. I've written plenty of stories I wasn't in love with. Deadlines, commitments, fear of exposure are short-lived motivators, but the real crux of my sometimes-fail-sometimes-succeed formula is I do what I can when I can... unless I have a deadline then all bets are off.
There it is in a messy nutshell, folks. I'm a fraud. 😊 If there is a magic formula, point me to it.
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