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2020 Goals!

Happy New Year! May your 2020 be filled with love, laughter, and light!

Nothing excites me more than a do-over. I love them!

Because I'm a planner girl, a lot of the excitement is all about the set-up, new possibilities, and building my dream. I can't get enough of it.

This year, 2020, is all about peace for me. That's my one word. I want to demonstrate peace, feel peace, strive for peace in all I do, say, and think.

Last year was a stressful one for me. I put a lot of pressure on myself. It's a sickness. I overschedule, over-commit, over think. My health and my sanity took a huge hit because I lived under a constant state of chaos and stress.

I know better.

Right here, right now, I'm promising msyelf to treat myself better.

My Kanban board is all set-up with four sections - three dedicated to my writing business and one all about my health.

If you're not familiar with Kanban boards, here's a great video by Sarra Cannon

I'm telling you, this is a lifesaver. Mine isn't as big as her's, but it's functional for me. I used a smaller pink dry erase board and placed it on my desk, so I can keep an eye on my goals while I work.

The planner addict in me has hit a new level, and I don't care what anyone else thinks. I'll be using 11 planners this year. ELEVEN!

They're not everyday planners. Some will require more time than others, but they're all vital for me to execute what I have planned for the year.

In no particular order, they are:

  1. A business (writing) planner. This one will help me keep track of release days, writing days, editing days, Beta readers, ARC readers, ads and promos, cover deadlines, blurb deadlines, and all the stuff that comes with running a writing business.
  2. A health/habit tracker journal that I bought in Target's dollar section. 
  3. Not a planner but still vital, I have a journal that I bought at Target on clearance.
  4. A Busy AF planner that I got for a steal on Amazon. That will be my catch-all planner. Everything that MUST be done will go in there. Everything!
  5. A budget planner (also from Amazon) because one must know where they're money is going.
  6. Christmas planner from Target's holiday clearance sale. I got it for 50 cents! Woohoo!
  7. Social Media calendar. This is one I Frankenplanned out of two I bought from Dollar General. It has a dashboard layout. I can divide what I'm doing by time of day and/or social media page or channel.
  8. An on-the-go planner that I'll keep in my purse.
  9. Meditation/Gratitude planner for daily doses of something good. I'll start my day with meditation and showing gratitude. I believe this planner came from Dollar General too. You can be sure I got it on clearance.
  10. A monthly calendar planner, the kind you get for a buck, to keep track of my bills and paydays.
  11. Series/Timeline bible. Not technically a planner, but I used planner pages to build it. I found a pretty binder for a dollar at Target. Pretty planning note pages from dollar racks at the Dollar Store and Dollar General. Stickers from my stash, because I can't live without stickers. 
That's my 2020 lineup. Like I said, I won't touch these daily, but I like having them to keep track of what's important to me. 

I've said it before, but I'll say it again; this year is all about finding and keeping peace.

Happy New Year! 


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