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My 2019 Reading Challenge

Me with my head in a book. My name is Ava and I'm an e-book (And print book!) hoarder. There, I've said it. They say the first step is admitting you have a problem. I'm admitting it.\ I have thousands - THOUSANDS - of books. Between two Kindles and mountains of books in every nook and cranny in my house, I could fill a library, like an actual New York City Library size library. I'm that person. You know the one who never saw a book she absolutely, positively didn't have to own. Books make me happy. I don't discriminate. I love them all. Mysteries. Of course! Romance. Yes! Thrillers. Give me more! Nonfiction. Please! Fantasy. Why not! Horror. Want! Memoirs. I'm your girl! I have to own all of them. It's a blessing and I haven't quite figured out if it might possibly be a curse yet. But, like my very close personal friend (I wish.), Oprah Winfrey would say, what I know for sure is books bring me comfort. I must be surrounded by th