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Saturday Shenanigans

Shenanigans. I like that word. I really like that word! Prepare to see it used quite regularly as I continue on my blog reboot adventure.

Speaking of my reboot, today - this post - is day #2! Woo-hoo! Way to be consistent! Today and every Saturday from here on out will be Saturday Shenanigans posts.

What does that mean?

Good question.

In my world, here in the Midwest, that generally means I work harder than I do any other day of the week. I tend to play catch up on weekends and work far more hours than any rational human being should work.

Yep, you heard it here first. My glamorous writer life consists of weekends spent tending to chores that were missed throughout the week and hours spent writing at a feverish pitch to hit my weekly word count. More often than not, laundry, vacuuming, floor mopping and grocery shopping take precedence. But, don't fret! Writing will get done - eventually.

As I sit now at nearly 7 p.m., my 3K word goal for the day, sits at just over two thousand words because I'm distracted for unknown reasons. You say, well, you only have 1000 words left. What's the problem? The answer is: I don't know!

All this procrastination hard work prompted me to want to know how other writers spend their weekends? Am I the only one fighting to finish the last few hundred words of a novel? Surely, I can't possibly be the only one experiencing difficulties with the 'get er done' mentality.

I have a full outline. It's all handwritten in my handy, dandy notebook. (One of many notebooks I keep in every room of my house. Every. Room.) What is holding me back?

Well, readers, I'm going back in. This final chapter isn't going to write itself. I hope the writing gods intervene and help me get to The End.

For the love of books & chocolate,

Ava Mallory


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